Our lab seeks to leverage data and imaging-driven approaches to understand the heterogeneity of human responses to severe brain injuries. It is our vision that all patients with acute brain injuries, from ischemic stroke to hemorrhage and brain trauma, will have their care precisely tailored to their own individual clinical and biologic status.

  • Frontiers Figure 2: Automated segmentation of CSF regions (red) from serial CT scans highlighting the loss of CSF as cerebral edema evolves after stroke
  • SAH blood seg: CT images of a patient with subarachnoid hemorrhage (top row) with automated segmentation of the hemorrhage regions within the basal cisterns (blue), sulci (green), and vetricles (red)
  • SNIPR logo: Stroke Neuroimaging Phenotype Repository

With generous support …

Our lab operates with support from the National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke under grants U24-NS-132940 and R01-NS-121218.

We also receive support from the Mid-America Transplant Foundation and the Alvin Siteman Cerebrovascular Research Fund.
